Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spy Wednesday

Judas and Peter
Spy Wednesday,
Holy Wednesday,
The Wednesday before the Crucifixion.
The day that Judas Iscariot
Went to the High Priests.
For thirty pieces of silver
Judas would hand Christ over to them.
 Remember the time that follows.
Judas betrays Jesus.
Peter denies Jesus thrice.
Judas dies by his own hand.
Peter dies Christ's servant.

What is the difference?
Judas never knew forgiveness.
Peter received God's blessing.
Because Judas acted
While Peter waited?
Is that the answer?
When the world around is clothed
In darkness,
Must we wait for divine guidance
And not act on impulse?
In this Easter season,
Give us the strength
To wait for God's whisper.

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