Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rejoice in Meanness

A message came today.
This missive rejoiced that
The number of Muslims
That worshiped on September 25
Was less than the number hoped for.
Grief overwhelmed my soul
When the sender took credit
For this result.
She proclaimed control of God
Although she did not know it.
Because she thought her prayer answered
She took credit for harm
To those in worship.
Prayer is a mystery.
Jesus told us to pray
And gave us a model.
He told us to pray in private
Yet churches pray in mass.
I believe God wants us to focus on Him.
Prayer is a way to do so.
God is a father
Who wants to hear his children babble.
God is love
Not magic.

Photo by jaxxon

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fear Not

A message came today
From a member of my church.
In stunned awareness
I read a missive of intolerance and fear.
A call to prayer the message claimed
A deeper meaning beneath the words of faith.
Others seek to have a day of prayer
That we must counter
Lest the evil hidden in their belief prevail.
Are we so unsure of our God
That we must demonize those
Who call Him by a different name?
Jesus told us to love God
And our neighbors.
Who is our neighbor?
Christ's example was the Samaritan,
A man of a race most despised by Jews.
Perhaps today the Word would choose a Muslim
Instead of a Samaritan.
Love those that gather
In Washington, D. C.
Pray that their entreaties be answered.
God knows the hearts of men.
He will not answer prayers that harm.
Pray that we gain understanding.
God's angels told us to fear not
When Christ was born.
His coming was for all men.
We need to remember those words.
God is omnipotent.
Christ is the message:
We have already won.
Fear not.

Photo by MonkeySimon

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Listening for God

Lord, I need to know Your will.
I pray,
But do not hear the echoes of Your voice.
Perhaps I am so busy babbling
That I am not aware of Your presence.
I will try to listen for Your answer
To my prayers,
To my entreaties.
I will seek to be still and hear.
I know that Your answer may not come in a great wind,
Nor through the trembling of the earth,
Nor in words of fire,
Nor even in whispers of smoke,
But through the actions of those around me,
Or a chance encounter with a stranger.
O God, Creator, Comforter, and Word,
Make me aware that You answered.

Photo by James Cridland

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prayer for Civility

God, who reigns in eternity,
Praise your everlasting patience.
When we in person bow before you,
Accept us, please.
Give us the temperament to receive your bounty
And acknowledge that it comes from you.
Let us treat others with civility,
So that you will treat us well.
Teach us the etiquette of belief,
So that we are examples to others.
Rudeness is the gift of Satan,
Stay our souls from accepting that gift,
For you care how we treat our fellows.
Politeness is the child of your lovingkindness.
You are love in all its glory.
Your grace is there for all.

Photo by derek7272

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Hoping for Nothing Again

"For as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them.
For if ye love them who love you, what thanks have ye?
For sinners also love those who love them.
And if ye do good to them that love you, what thanks have ye?
For sinners also do even the same
And if ye lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thanks have ye?
For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.
But love ye your enemies, and do g
ood, and lend, hoping for nothing again;
And your reward shall be g
And you shall be children of the Highest;
For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."

Why if you need money are you unworthy of help?
Since I have been poor,
I have found this to be true.
I tithed for many years without expectation of return,
Just as well for there has been none.
I know God's answer is that He will be with us,
Not that He will reward us.
Yet I need so little,
But even that is begrudged me.
I long to feel God's lovingkindness,
But it is absent from my life,
All I taste is my own tears.
Those who profess to be Christians do not lend;
They only admonish.
I will turn my attention to those outside the fold,
So that they do not feel alone.
God be near.

Photo by tao zhyn