Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spy Wednesday 2013

Judas and Peter
Spy Wednesday,
Holy Wednesday,
The Wednesday before the Crucifixion,
The day that Judas Iscariot
Conspires with the High Priest
And receives thirty pieces of silver
For the deed to come.
On the morrow,
With a kiss,
Judas hands Christ over 
To his enemies
In the time that follows
Peter denies Jesus thrice.
After Jesus' death
But before the resurrection,
Judas dies by his own hand.
Peter sits in the upper room
Devastated that he betrayed his Teacher.
Judas dies unforgiven.
Peter knows forgiveness

From the risen Christ.
What is the difference between the fates
Of these two men?
Judas dies despised by all his breathren.
Peter dies the rock
On which Christ's church is erected.  
 Judas acts to take his life
While Peter waits.
Is that the answer?
When all is clothed in darkness,
Must we wait

 For God
Not act on impulse?
In this Easter season,
Give us the knowledge to know
When not to take action.
Give us the strength to wait for God.

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