Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Grief at Advent

We look forward to the celebration
Of our Savior's birth.
The babe that became  
The Suffering Servant who walked among us.
Remember him
Both babe and man
  As we search for meaning
In the wreckage of so many lives.
Son of Man
 Spread the balm of God's love
Over the grief of this nation.
Teach us to care for those that struggle
With the ills of the mind.
Nurture those we cannot hold,
Those filled with grief,
And share your presence with them
As you share your presence with us.
Deafen our ears to the seductive call
Of guns and power.
Quench our thirst for violence.
So that all may walk in safety and peace.
For yours is the embrace,
 The solace, and the love.
That endures forever.

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