"Finally, brethren, what ever things are true,Whatever things are honest,Whatever things are just,Whatever things are pure,Whatever things are lovely,Whatever things are of good report:If there be virtue, and if there be any praise,Think on these things."
Paul speaks to us through the ages
With his guide to New Year's resolutions.
In 2013,
Let us search for truth,
Focus on being honest not only to others
But to ourselves.
Support justice
For the least of these brothers of mine.
Strive to not be harsh or cruel
To those around us
And affirm the hopes and dreams of others.
Let us
Focus on the beauty within,
Fill our minds with hope,
Shun that which diminishes others,
Praise those who do right.
May we turn to God in prayer
When our world grows dark
That we are not alone.
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