Friday, July 02, 2010

God and Oil

Oil boils from the earth into the sea,
Released by the hand of man.
God looks on
But does nothing or so it seems.
God looks on and weeps
For his creation.
So many gifts have been laid
At humankind's feet.
We squander them one by one.
We pollute the land we live on.
We pollute the air we breath.
We pollute the fresh waters.
Now the ocean fills with our mistake.
We cry to God for mercy.
The Almighty reminds us of his promise
Of Infinite Forgiveness.
The Prince of Peace reminds us that
He will be with us always 
Even to the end of the world.
The Comforter reminds us
He came to be with us,
Not to deliver us
From the consequences of our misdeeds.
Salvation there is,
But the scars we cause on others,
On this world,
Are not erased.
Forgive us.

Photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video
Water is blue, Vegetation red, and Oil silver.