Friday, March 13, 2009

Life Begins

When does life begin?
This question defines our age.
Do we protect a fertilized egg
With all the might of government?
Do we wait until that egg
Implants in a woman's womb
To provide the protection of the law?
The psalmist tells us
God knit us together in our mother's womb.
If that is true, then life cannot begin in a petri dish.
Science tells half of all fertilized eggs do not implant.
If a soul is present when sperm meets egg,
Then half of all souls are lost before they can live.
I do not believe the Creator is so capricious.
I must believe that life begins within a woman.
Without the union of fertilized egg and womb,
There is only tissue.
When life begins,
Then science and faith must unite
To protect God's most precious gift.

Photo by Clearly Ambiguous

Monday, March 09, 2009

Promise for Tomorrow

We are created in God's image.
How can that be?
We look so different
One from another.
The image is within.
Our minds are shadows
Of the one great Mind.
Our intelligence
A tiny reflection of our Creator's.
Our challenge:
To use our mind to do God's will.
To aid our fellows
As the Good Samaritan
Aided a stranger.
What are our limits?
Good can turn to evil.
Hope can turn to despair.
Our minds can open the way to God
Or the path to oblivion.
Let our minds discern God's promise,
The promise of a tomorrow without suffering.

Photo by jeffk

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Malaise creeps over me without notice.
My body has changed,
But I am only vaguely aware.
Night comes and with it fever.
My joints cry out.
Warmth is gone.
I shiver.
The fire returns.
The cycle begins again.
Life seems fragile.
Illness reminds us we are not in control.
"A strange flu," the doctor says.
An antiviral given.
The fever never returns.
Slowly as a creeping tortoise,
Wellness regains control.
A gentle reminder that health is to be treasured.
We must value every day.
Thank you God.

Photo by kretyen